welcome back folks! this week for the Aesop Rock discography, we’re gonna check out the debut record from his collab with Rob Sonic and DJ Big Wiz as Hail Mary Mallon in 2011 – Are You Gonna Eat That?
i think this record is pretty good. i havent listened to basically any Rob Sonic or DJ Big Wiz other than where Sonic’s featured in Aesop Records before this and one HMM track off of their next record, but Sonic’s a solid lyrical pair, tonally and stylistically, to Aes. and DJ Big Wiz provides some real fun scratch-centric instrumental componenta for the albim – Church Pants, for example, is a bit of an odd opener, with the irregular sample base and weird tone, but its a bit of a weird team up so i def get it! some excellent hooks here too – Meter Feeder has a phenomenal core hook to it, scratching up the delivery of the song’s title, and Breakdance Beach is just a lotta fun energy, haha.
something thats fun that they play with is the lengths of their back and forths – some tracks have some more traditional “1 verse per vocalist, back and forth” structure, but songs like Grubstake and Breakdance Beach push that a bit further, and it leads to some cool tracks!
on the whole, very interesting, kinda grungey release!
faves – Meter Feeder, Breakdance Beach
dislikes –
Are You Gonna Eat That? – 7/10
next up, we’ll be checking out Aesop’s 2012 record, Skelethon!
first: Music For Earthworms | previous: None Shall Pass | next: Skelethon