welcome back to the Skaject folks! this week we’re looking at two releases, and secondly, it’s the Toasters debut EP, Recriminations, released in 1985. it looks like a lot of these would be repackaged and put as bonus tracks on a record later, but let’s check em out!

Recriminations is pretty good – some real melodrama here but the track is spitfire and catchy – huge fan here. Razor Cut is… a weird one. i really love the solid, consistent bass line on this song, but i dunno how i feel about it lyrically. still a track i’ll be listening to more, haha. Run Rudy Run is a mellower, reggae track about a dying scene. very nice listen. Radiation Skank is an extremely fun, funny song about nuclear war, a very tongue in cheek response to the threat of war in the 80s.

faves – Recrimination(s), Razor Cut, Radiation Skank
dislikes –

very strong opening showing! i dug the high-energy, personal tracks grouped together on the A side, with the broader tracks on the B side. the songs here were tightly executed – dug the vocals from Robert Hingley, and the bass on this EP really floored me. extremely nicely packaged EP for sure – give this one a listen.

Recriminations – 8/10

next up, we’re checking out Madness’s 6th studio record, Mad Not Mad.

previous: Fishbone | next: Mad Not Mad

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