welcome back to the Skaject folks! it’s yet another newcomer to the Skaject, with New York band The Slacker’s debut album Better Late Than Never, released in 1996!

it took me a sec to get into the Slacker’s Better Late Than Never. the style is extremely mellow, in a revival style, harkening right back to the 60s sound. they honestly feel much closer in line with, for example, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, than most of the other recent bands i’ve listened to recently as part of the Skaject.

the first few tracks are solid listens but dont catch me. Work Song is a cover of a song originally written by Nat Adderley, and its a really smooth instrumental track. Run Away’s nice but unimpressive, and i dont like Pedophilia.

however, the title track starts a run of songs i am really into. Sooner or Later’s got a great hook, and Two Face is a darker track about betrayal. Cuban Cigar is a phenomenal instrumental track that uses a bunch of low brass to build an ominous tone and then the hook on the horns contrasts it great. really fun song. You Don’t Know I is just aight, but Tonight’s got a fun hook and a really good rhythm to it. the back of the record is solid as well, but the run in the middle really shines.

on the whole, i had fun with this record, once i settled into the space it was occupying. ive only heard one other slackers song, from much more recent in their work, so im interested to hear how it develops into that.

faves – Sooner or Later, Two Face, Cuban Cigar
dislikes –

Better Late Than Never – 6/10

previous: Goldfinger | next: Greetings from Skamania

this is the first Slackers Release | next: Redlight

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