welcome back to the Skaject folks! this week, we’re listening to Grand Prix, from Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra!

i originally covered this in the first skaject, and i remember having middling feelings about this record, though i will note that this was where my process began to break down a bit in the TSPO reviews.

i like the construction of the intermediate tracks, opening with JAM and having the transitional PIT songs. neat conceit, even if the other songs dont play into the Grand Prix theme as much. without a good translation the skit doesnt do a lot for me but i like the idea behind having them here, haha.

on the good side, i still enjoy my favorites from last time, Stubborn Kind of Fellow and 真赤な太陽 (“Crimson Sun”)- pretty good songs!

unfortunately, theres a bit more here i was less fond of. i dont think theyre doing good work with the guitar effect on パンドラタイムズ (“Pandora Times”), which is a shame because the rest of the track has an interesting rotation of solos that i like quite a bit, it just sucks to open the rotation on the worst part of the song (though dont worry they do bring it back).

i completely forgot about Skung-Fu Man – this song kinda sucks. interpolating segments of Just a Friend doesnt help here. the cover of What a Wonderful World doesnt…. work super well but its a lot better than that. as good of a palette cleanser as you could ask for. i think the Let’s Stay Together works a lot better, and its nice having that near the end of the record!

on the whole…. not my favorite TSPO record so far, but there are some solid moments here.

faves – Stubborn Kind of Fellow, 真赤な太陽
dislikes – Skung-Fu Man

Grand Prix – 4/10

next week our record is …And Out Come the Wolves, from Ranci

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